As part of the implementation of the project to support children affected by armed conflicts in Kasai, mainly children who have left armed forces and groups (EAFGA) and unaccompanied children, SAPI is implementing an emergency project with funding from UNICEF and co-funded by SAPI in the town of Tshikapa, in the territory of Kamonia and in the city of Kamako.
In order to improve the protective environment for children released from the Kamuena Nsapu militia, the NGO has set up 2 CTOs (Transit and Orientation Centers) in Tshikapa and Kamako for holistic care of children with a particular emphasis on psychosocial support for children suffering from acute stress.
In terms of achievement, more than 431 children associated with the forces and armed groups of the CTO Tshikapa and Kamako were reunited, 12 awareness sessions were organized at the CTO of Tshikapa and in the family reunification zones of Kasanzu, Katanda, Tshienda, Manne, Kamako and Nsumbula.
For the reunification of unaccompanied children (ENAS), 450 children expelled from Angola were reunified for the period December 2018 – April 2019.
As part of the surrender of children assigned to the Kamuina Nsapu militia, 270 EAFGAS were taken care of psychologically and medically and were reunited with their respective families. As part of the program, 9 EAFGA children were entrusted to ICRC for interprovincial reunification. In order to achieve the objectives set in the project to support children affected by armed conflict in Kasai, mainly children who have left armed forces and groups EAFGA and unaccompanied children, SAPI is implementing a strategy to support these children through food support at the CTO, clothing support and support for the 200 FAT and FAS beneficiaries of the project and psychological support for the children. In terms of perspective, SAPI plans to support the economic reintegration of children who have already been reunited, and to organize awareness-raising activities for RECOPE and capacity building for local, political and administrative authorities and the militias of Kananga and Tshikapa on human rights, child protection, resolution 1612, the duty of the child, children’s rights, sexual violence, rape, attacks on schools, etc.