Our Interventions in Cameroon.

In Cameroon, SAPI activities began in Douala with the vocational training of refugee girls in the city of Douala in 2018, where our program has managed to ensure the empowerment of 220 refugee girls. In Cameroon, the SAPI organization is registered under number 00000790/RDA/J06/A2/SAAJP/BAPP. It arrived in Cameroon in 2018, and it started its activities the same year. We work to strengthen the capacities of young boys in various regions and Islamic associations, youth organizations for non-violent and equitable peace-promoting masculinity in CAR and Cameron. SAPI works to improve the living conditions of Central African, Sudanese, Nigerian refugees and vulnerable host populations in the areas of child protection, the reintegration of young refugees, community services, education, strengthening peace and social cohesion between young refugees and those from the host communities. We are also involved in promoting positive masculinity for students in schools and in a program of education in sexual and reproductive health for adolescents. It is present in nearly 34 host villages in the East, Adamaoua, North and Far North regions of Cameroon. Since 2018, the organization has begun implementing its activities through the project “Support for the restoration of basic services for children, young people and adolescents; “social cohesion of people affected by the conflict in the Central African Republic and Cameroon”.

Our actions focused on 200 young girls and boys aged 15-24 who actively participated in debates and conflict resolution processes with a view to consolidating peace. These debates brought together young refugees and those from the host communities around a table to discuss several topics covering social cohesion, positive masculinity, STIs/HIV/AIDS and youth leadership. In terms of results, the leadership skills of 200 young people were strengthened so that they could make their voices heard constructively in decision-making spheres, the capacities of young boys from groups of associations and youth organizations were strengthened for non-violent masculinity that promotes sustainable peace. In addition, the capacities of 100 young people out of the 200 were strengthened for active and equitable participation in mediation networks and in resolving conflicts in their communities. Through the approach implemented by SAPI in the Eastern region of Cameroon, 300 young girls aged 15-24 actively participate in debates and conflict resolution processes with a view to consolidating peace.

Mass awareness led by SAPI teams

SAPI mobilizes young girls to prevent gender-based violence